Calibration Tools

Calibration Tools

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Vibration meter

Vibration meter

Product number     PSVIBMET-UN
OEM     Universal

Minimise vibrations for more accurate results

Vibration is a poorly understood variable in the dissolution test. Broadly speaking, vibration equals energy. If you input energy into a dissolution system then it can affect the dissolution rate.

The meter and probe come complete with:
  • NIST traceable calibration certificate
  • Industrial grade battery
  • Protective carry case

There are currently no actual physical limits for vibration, except that it should not be ‘significant’; i.e. can you feel it? Suggestions have been made about defining vibration limits. In any case, it would seem reasonable to minimise vibration since it is known to have a severe effect on some preparations, including the Prednisone calibrator tablet.

Vibration can come from a number of sources including the water pump, drive motor and other equipment on the same bench (refrigerators, centrifuges etc.).

How this vibration meter works:
This simple vibration meter allows users to quickly asses vibration levels and ensure that low levels are maintained when new equipment is introduced into the lab or after routine bath maintenance.

It uses digital electronics but is equipped with an analogue needle display. For this type of device, an analogue display is better than a digital one because it gives you a much better feel for the nature of the vibrations.

The meter uses an accelerometer probe that is calibrated to the meter as a matched set. The probe end has a custom mounting block that is compatible with most dissolution instruments.
 Accuracy      64% of full scale
 Acceleration Range   0.1 - 300g (in free space)
 Velocity Range   0.0025 - 7.6ms-1 (in free space)
 Displacement Range   0.03 - 75mm (in free space)
 Sensor   Piezoelectric accelerometer
 Detector   Integrated true-RMS responding detector
 Display   Analogue (it gives you a better feel for the vibrations than a digital display)
 Frequency Response   10 - 1000Hz
 Low Frequence Rejection   40dB down (min) at 1Hz
 Dimensions (W x H x D)   100 x 190 x 50mm
 Weight   0.8kg
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